Mohs Solutions

Mohs Surgery Microscope Specialists

For over 25 years, Micronix Systems has been supplying a complete range of microscopy options to fit the budget and applications of every Mohs Surgeon. All of our microscopes offer a “low power” 2x scanning objective for maximum efficiency during slide reading.

Leica (DM 1000)

Dermatologists and Mohs surgeons require microscopes to identify irregularities in the cells of skin tissues, and to obtain complete margin control during the removal of skin cancer. The Leica DM1000 is an excellent fit for Mohs and dermatology applications, as it is equipped with a better grade of lower power plan achromat objectives including 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, and 40x. For teaching or audience viewing, dual view and multi-head configurations are available. Mohs microscopes can also be equipped with digital microscope cameras and HD monitors.

The Ultimate for Comfort & Ease of Use

The ergonomically designed Leica DM1000 with adjustable features and easy-to-use controls adapts to every user to improve comfort and convenience while working at the microscope. This is one of the most important features that MOHS surgeons refer to when selecting this microscope. The ease of use over many hours keeps the Leica DM 1000 an industry favorite. 

If you're looking for other, high-performance optics and something that is still relatively comfortable to use over long periods of time, you may want to consider the Olympus CX43 or the Accu-Scope EXC500  shown below.

DM 1000
CX43 Biological
CX33 Biological - MOHS

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